My Jury Duty

Welcome, Keith Teruya

Your Juror Status: Incomplete

Step 4:

  • Summons
  • Prepare
  • Service Week
  • Completion

How To Proceed

Call Juror Sanctions Unit

Service Week: May 06, 2024

Our records indicate that you have not checked your reporting instructions every day during your service week as instructed. As a result, your jury service is not complete.

You will need to call the Juror Sanctions Unit to reschedule your service. Please call (213) 314-8897 between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM.

You must attend to this matter immediately to avoid receiving a Failure to Appear notice.


All courts in Los Angeles County are under the One Trial term of service. You are required to do the following when you receive a summons:

  • Complete Section A of the jury summons.
  • Register yourself for service by calling (213) 972-0970 within five (5) days of receiving your summons. You may also register online by selecting My Jury Duty Portal.
  • During your week of service (beginning the weekend before your service) telephone (213) 972-0970, as instructed on the summons, or by selecting My Jury Duty Portal to receive instructions on when to report for jury service during your five (5) day period.

If you are not required to report during this five (5) day period, your jury service is complete for 12 months. If you are asked to report and not assigned to a case on the day you report, your term of service will be concluded at the end of the business day. However, if you are assigned to a courtroom for jury selection that is not completed by the end of that day, you will be required to return to finish the selection process.

If you are selected to serve on a trial, your term of service will be the length of that trial. Most trials last from five to seven days

When you have been chosen for an actual trial or as an alternate juror, your service obligation will be fulfilled upon the conclusion of deliberations, regardless of whether or not a verdict has been reached.

The California Code of Civil Procedure (CCP) Section 191 states, "The Legislature recognizes that trial by jury is a cherished constitutional right, and that jury service is an obligation of citizenship." Jury duty is a responsibility that all qualified citizens must share. Without support from individuals like you, we could not maintain our jury pool, and thus, maintain the high quality of our judicial system.

Failure to report for service on the day instructed may subject you to a fine of up to $1,500. In addition, if you are qualified to serve, you will still have to complete your jury duty.

Yes. You must first register by telephone or online before you can request a postponement. Fill out Section A of the jury summons. Then call (213) 972-0970 or select My Jury Duty Portal to register yourself for jury duty. The telephone system or web portal will prompt you on how to postpone your jury service. You may only request a 30-90 day postponement on the web portal under the tab Reschedule. For postponements over 90 days please contact a jury representative at (213) 972-0970.