My Jury Duty

Welcome, Keith Teruya

Your Juror Status: Eligible

Step 2:

  • Summons
  • Prepare
  • Service Week
  • Completion

How To Proceed

Take time to prepare for jury duty.

You have finished registering for jury duty and are ready to serve.

  • Review the "Juror Checklist".
  • Watch the Orientation video before August 20, 2024, 9:00 PM before reporting for service.
  • Read your "Reporting Instructions" below.
  • Please do not forget to bring your completed summons the day you report for jury service.

Get Ready

View Juror Checklist

Watch Orientation Video

Special Handling


Request Change(s)

Update Personal Information

Reporting Instructions

Your service week starts:
Monday, December 18th, 2023

Check your reporting instructions between:

Friday, December 15, 2023 7:00 PM

Monday, December 18, 2023 6:00 AM

Check your reporting instructions starting Friday before your service week on this website or by calling (213) 972-0970. You'll receive instructions to either report to the courthouse or to check again for the next day.

Download Calender Reminder

How to avoid a Failure to Appear notice?

Courthouse Location

Airport Courthouse
11701 S. La Cienega
Los Angeles, CA 90045

Jury Assembly Room:
Room 401B, Fifth floor

Courthouse Hours:
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The jury assembly room office is closed from 12:00 noon through 1:30 p.m. for staff lunches.

Get Directions
General info: Parking, Services, More

Juror Checklist

Before Your Service Week

Understand your on-call responsibility

Your service week start date is printed on your summons form and on this website. The juror service week typically starts on Monday and ends on Friday (excluding court holidays). This means that you are placed on call for no more than 5 consecutive days. On any day of your service week, you may be asked to “report to the courthouse” to serve jury duty. If you are asked to report for service on a Thursday or Friday and you are assigned to a case on that day, you may find that the case will continue into the next week.

Know how long you may have to serve as a juror

If you are asked to report and you are assigned to a courtroom for a jury selection, you will be required to serve until you are excused by the court or selected as a juror and the case you are selected on is completed. The average trial lasts 5 to 7 days. However, this is only an average. Some trials are shorter and some MAY BE LONGER than the average, and jurors are needed for all trials, including longer trials. Do not assume that any trial you are chosen for will be shorter than average.

Arrange your schedule accordingly, or, to make other arrangements, go to "I know what to do if I cannot serve during my service week” in this checklist.

Request a change

If your circumstances change and you are not able to serve during your initial service week, be sure to request a change as soon as possible. Call (213) 972-0970 or go to Request Change(s) on this website and select a change type based on your situation: excuse, postpone, or transfer. Follow the prompts to submit your request for processing.

What is the cut-off time to make a change?

The cut off time is before 4:30 PM on the Friday before your scheduled service week. Otherwise, you are expected to be available to report for jury service as instructed.

If you do not arrange a change of your service or do not appear as instructed, you will receive a Failure to Appear notice and may be subject to a fine of up to $1,500 in addition to being required to perform your jury service.

Contact your employer as soon as possible

Notify your employer that you have been summoned to jury duty. You may show your summons form as proof, if requested. However, ensure you retain your original summons because you will be asked to bring it with you to court.

Your employer is not required to pay you while you are serving jury duty, but pursuant to California Labor Code section 230(a), your employer is prohibited from discharging or in any manner discriminating against you for taking time off to serve if you have provided reasonable notice.

Confirm your address

Before your service, you can go to Personal Info and update your address.

It is very important to make address changes before your completion of jury duty. If you are paid fees and mileage for serving, payment will be mailed to the address that we have on file.

Confirm your name

If you have a name change, you must make the change in person when you serve. You will be required to produce a government issued ID, such as a driver's license or passport, that shows your photo and correct name. Name changes take 24 hours to process in our system, so on the date that you make the name change, staff and/or the court may address you by your former name.

Confirm your emergency contact information

Go to Personal Info and enter or update your emergency contact. This is for your safety in case you have an emergency while in service at the courthouse. This information is kept confidential and will not be used for any other purpose.

Complete the juror orientation before reporting for service

Juror Online Orientation can be completed by watching the Juror Orientation Video or by calling (213) 972-0970 and entering your JID and PIN, and then select the orientation option. Juror Online Orientation will be available to you until Sunday at 9:00 PM before the start of your service week.

The orientation is no longer than 9 minutes. You must complete the entire recording to receive credit.

If you are unable to complete the online orientation for any reason, you may also read the Juror Orientation script included in the mailing with your summons before reporting for service.

I know when to start checking my reporting instructions

Check your reporting instructions between Friday 7:00 PM and before Monday 6:00 AM of the service week to fine out if you need to report to the courthouse on Monday. You should check your instructions even if Monday is a court holiday.

Reporting instructions are available on this website or by calling (213) 972-0970. Make a note of all instructions given, including the time to report. Please arrive promptly at the time stated. Note that there is information regarding the Court's dress code and security measures on your summons. Please read your summons carefully before reporting.

Your calls to (213) 972-0970 and/or logging into this website for reporting instructions are monitored. Only calls or logging in between the designated times of 7:00 PM - 6:00 AM are valid. Your failure to check for reporting instructions during your reporting week as instructed on even one day will cause a failure to appear notice to be mailed to you and your jury service will be rescheduled.

Request accommodations

Mobility impaired jurors with disabilities may request accommodation by contacting the court at the Assembly Room phone number listed on your summons form. You can also find the jury assembly room number by following this link to locate the jury personnel phone number at your courthouse.

Hearing impaired jurors may contact the Court's Telephone Center using Dialogue Text Telephone (TTY) at 1-888-354-0441.

Please make your request as soon as possible

More time allows the court to better respond to requests for accommodation.

More Information

You may also contact the Courthouse's ADA Liaison, or the Court's ADA Coordinator at (213) 633-5882. For additional information go to the court's ADA-Access Information For Persons with Disabilities webpage.

During Your Service Week

You are on call

During your service week, you are on call for five consecutive days, from Monday through Friday. Each day, check your reporting instructions for the following day.

Check reporting instructions

Visit this website or call (213) 972-0970 between 7:00 PM and 6:00 AM for the next day's instructions.

How to respond to your reporting instructions

These are the different instructions you may get:

  • You do not need to report. Check again for the next reporting day as instructed. Any day or days you are not required to report for jury service, you are expected to report to work, or notify your employer.
  • You need to report to the courthouse. Appear as instructed. The jury assembly room floor number and room number can be found on this website and on your summons form. When checking your reporting instructions, the time to report will be given to you. Be sure to allow enough time to get from the parking lot to the courthouse on time.
  • You are done with your service. If you are not required to report during this five-day period, your term of service is complete.

Reporting to the courthouse

The jury assembly room or the courtroom will instruct you if/when you need to return each day. (You no longer need to check reporting instructions by phone or online.)

If you are asked to report to the courthouse, and:

  • you are selected on a case; you will serve until the court excuses you or the trial is concluded. The average trial in Los Angeles County is 5 to 7 days. However, this is only an average. Some trials are shorter and some MAY BE LONGER than the average, and jurors are needed for all trials, including longer trials. Do not assume that any trial you are chosen for will be shorter than average.
  • you are not selected on a case; your term of service is complete.

Proof of service for your employer

A form certifying the number of days you performed jury service will be provided to you at the completion of your service. If your employer requires weekly proof of service, you may request it from jury staff. You will not receive proof of service for days you are not required to report.

Map & Directions

Find the courthouse address, map, and parking location on your summons form and on this website. The parking is not always adjacent to the courthouse. Please review parking instructions carefully to ensure you have enough time to get from the parking lot to the courthouse and still be on time.

Free Parking

Free juror parking is available only at the lot designated on your summons form. YOU MUST BRING YOUR JURY SUMMONS OR JUROR BADGE TO ACCESS FREE PARKING. Some parking lots will require you to scan the barcode on your juror badge to enter and exit.

Report to the Jury Assembly Room

When you arrive at the courthouse, report to the jury assembly room (your reporting instructions will give you the time to report). The floor and room number can be found on your summons form under Reporting Location and on this website.

Bring your completed summons to the courthouse

It is extremely important that you fill out the paper summons form and bring it with you to the courthouse (even if you completed the on-line summons). The Juror Services Division will electronically scan and file your completed summons form.

Follow the instructions on your summons to fill out Section A, Steps 1 & 2, sign in Section G, and have it completed before you arrive for jury service.

Why is it important to have your summons form or juror badge?

  • They may be required for free parking at designated juror parking locations.
  • Jurors may proceed to the front of the weapons screening line.
  • Security staff and courthouse personnel can identify you as a juror.

Courthouse Security

When you enter the courthouse, you will go through a metal detector. Your handbag, briefcase, backpack, etc. will be x-rayed. Any item that Security decides is hazardous or a weapon will not be permitted into the building. You may be asked to leave the courthouse and return without the items, or they will be confiscated.

Examples of banned items

Objects like knitting needles, scissors, nail clippers, pocketknives, and weapons are not allowed. Metal utensils and glass containers, such as tea or juice bottles are not allowed in the courthouse.

Click here for a list of banned items.

Electronic Recording Devices

The use of cameras and recording devices inside the jury assembly room and the courtroom is prohibited. Photography of jurors is prohibited at all times.

The court will admonish you to refrain from using or posting on any social media sites while serving as a juror, in the jury assembly room, and once assigned to a courtroom. These sites include Facebook, Twitter, etc. Doing so may cause a mistrial in the case you are assigned to, and you could be subject to contempt and/or monetary sanctions.

You are not restricted from using your cell phone while serving. Be aware that your fellow jurors may not wish to overhear your conversation. Use your cell phone outside of the jury assembly room and turn it off when entering the courtroom.


A cafeteria, snack bar, and/or vending machines for food and drinks are typically available at each courthouse. Check your summons form for amenities at the courthouse to which you have been summoned. Jurors may pack their own food and drink; however, metal utensils and glass containers are not allowed inside the courthouse. If unsure what a juror can or cannot bring, read the Courthouse Security Information in this checklist.

Special Handling

  • If you have received a summons and cannot serve due to one of these reasons, please click on the reason for instructions on how to proceed.
  • If you have received a summons for a person called to jury service in your household, and/or related to that person and know that the juror cannot serve due to one of these reasons, please select that reason for instructions on how to proceed.

Served within last 12 months

By law, you are only required to serve once every 12 months. If you have been summoned to serve within 12 months of your last service, you may request to be excused or elect to serve again. You must first register to proceed with either option.

I do not wish to serve

If you have served within the last twelve months and you wish to be excused:

  1. Click on the "Verify Personal Info" button and complete the information on that page.

  2. Click on the "Answer Eligibility Questions" button and complete the information on that page.

  3. You are now registered. Next, click on the "Excuse" link.

  4. Select the "Prior Service" reason. Follow the remainder of the prompts to fill out your request.

  5. Click the "Submit" button to submit your request for processing.

I wish to serve

If you have served within the last twelve months and you wish to serve again:

  1. Click on the Update your "Verify Personal Info" button and complete the information on that page.

  2. Click on the "Answer Eligibility Questions" button and complete the information on that page.

  3. You are now registered.

  4. Follow "Reporting Instructions" for your service week and the location that has summoned you OR request a postponement or transfer of location as needed

Active military service

Juror/I will be deployed soon

If you are on active military duty AND will be deployed soon, please do the following:

  1. Click on the "Verify My Info" button and complete the information on that page.

  2. You must register and complete your summons by clicking on the "Answer Eligibility Questions" button and answering all questions 1-12, ensuring that you answer question number 8. Complete the remainder of the form as prompted.

  3. Click the "Submit Answers" button on the page to submit your summons for processing.

If you are a family member responding for the juror and the juror is currently deployed, please use the summons form that was mailed to the juror and indicate that the juror is deployed in Section D of the summons. Please sign and date the summons in Section G. Please return the form to the Court in the self-addressed envelope provided or mail it to:

Los Angeles Superior Court
Juror Services
PO Box 53378
Los Angeles, CA 90053

Juror is/I am returning from deployment

If you have recently returned from military deployment overseas and need additional time to perform your jury service, please call (213) 972-0970 to request a postponement of your service.

If you need further assistance, please call (213) 972-0970 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM (Pacific Standard Time), Monday through Friday.

Reside outside Los Angeles County

If you are not the juror and do not know where the juror lives, please return the summons to the post office. If you are a family member and/or know where the juror lives, please forward the summons to the juror.

If you are the juror, and you reside outside Los Angeles County, please do the following:

  1. Click on the "Verify My Info" button. In the "Address Information" section, click the "Enable Editing" button, enter your new address, and click "Save".

  2. Complete the remainder of the page as prompted and click on the "Confirm your Info" button to update your information.

  3. Mail in your COMPLETED summons. Be sure to complete the following sections:

    • Step 1.

    • Step 2.

    • Section F.

    • Section G.

  4. Also mail in one of the following:

    1. Utility Bill with your new address.

    2. Proof of Voter Registration in your new County.

    3. Driver's License with your new address.

    4. Property tax bill with your new address.

If you need further assistance or are unable to complete registration via the "My Jury Duty Portal," please call (213) 972-0970 during the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM (Pacific Standard Time), Monday through Friday. You may speak to an agent regarding your address change.

Student or Teacher

You do not qualify for an excuse if you are a full time student or a teacher. If you are a student or a teacher and cannot serve when summoned due to your class schedule, please follow these instructions:

  1. Click on the "Verify Personal Info" button and complete the information on that page.

  2. Click on the "Answer Eligibility Questions" button. Please answer all the questions 1-12 and complete the remainder of the form as prompted.

  3. Click the "Submit" button on the form to submit your summons for processing.

  4. Click on the "Request Change" link, then the "Postponement" link, and postpone to a week when you have a break from school (i.e. Spring Break, Summer Break or Winter Break).

  5. Click on the "Submit" button to process your request.

You are able to postpone for three months or less on the "My Jury Duty Portal." If you do not see a week that coincides with your school break, please call (213) 972-0970 between the hours of 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Pacific Standard Time, Monday through Friday. You will need to speak to an agent to postpone to a period greater than three months.

Over 70

Please note that there is no exemption based on age. Jury duty is an obligation of citizenship regardless of age. You are required to perform jury service. Please do the following:

  1. Click on the "Verify Personal Info" button and complete the information on that page.

  2. Complete your summons and register for jury duty by clicking on the "Answer Eligibility Questions" button. Please answer all the questions 1-12 and complete the remainder of the form as prompted.

  3. Click on the "Submit" button on the form to submit your summons for processing.

Over 70 with medical excuse

Jurors who are 70 years of age or over receive special consideration if they need to be excused due to a medical reason. If you are 70 years of age and are unable to serve due to a medical condition, please do the following:

  1. Click on the "Verify Personal Info" button and complete the information on that page.

  2. Complete your summons and register for jury duty by clicking on the "Answer Eligibility Questions" button. Please answer all the questions 1-12 and complete the remainder of the form as prompted.

  3. Press the "Submit" button on the form to submit your summons for processing.

  4. In the "Request Change(s)" section, click on the "Excuse" link and select "Medical Excuse". Follow the prompts on the page and then click on the "Submit" button to complete the request for a medical excuse.

Over 70 and wish to transfer

Jurors who are 70 years of age or over receive special consideration if they need a change of court location due to a medical condition or lack of transportation. If you are 70 years of age or over and are able to serve but need to change your court location due to a medical reason or transportation problem, please do the following:

  1. Click on the "Verify Personal Info" button and complete the information on that page.

  2. Complete your summons and register for jury duty by clicking on the "Answer Eligibility Questions" button. Please answer all the questions 1-12 and complete the remainder of the form as prompted.

  3. Press the "Submit" button on the form to submit your summons for processing.

  4. Click on the "Reschedule" link and then the "Transfer" tab. Follow the prompts to submit your request for a transfer.

  5. In the "Request Change(s)" section, click on the "Transfer" button. Follow the prompts on the page and then click on the "Submit" button to complete the request for a transfer.

Breastfeeding Mother

For potential jurors who are lactating mothers:
While the Los Angeles Superior Court makes every reasonable effort to provide a private, locked room for lactating mothers to express milk, such accommodations are not available at many courthouses. Recognizing this fact, the Court allows a mother who is breastfeeding a child to defer jury service. You are able to postpone your service up to three months through the "My Jury Duty Portal."

Postpone three months or less

If you need to postpone three months or less, please do the following:

  1. Click on the "Verify Personal Info" button and complete the information on that page.

  2. Complete your summons and register for jury duty by clicking on the "Answer Eligibility Questions" button. Please answer all the questions 1-12 and complete the remainder of the form as prompted.

  3. Press the "Submit" button on the form to submit your summons for processing.

  4. Click on the "Request Change" link and then the "Postpone" tab. Select your new reporting week and click the "Submit" button to complete the request to postpone.

Postpone more than three months

If you need to postpone for more than three months, please call (213) 972-0970 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM (Pacific Standard Time), Monday through Friday. You will need to speak to an agent to postpone for more than three months.

Request For Special Accommodation

Assistive Listening System (ALS)

Portable Assistive Listening Systems (ALS) are available and may be requested from courtroom staff.

Interpreter Services

Jurors requiring a sign language interpreter must contact the Jury Coordinator at 1-888-354-0441 (TTY) to coordinate their jury duty and sign language interpreter services.

Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD)

Hearing Impaired Jurors must contact the Court's Telephone Center using Dialogue Text Telephone (TDD/TTY) No. 1-888-354-0441. This line has been installed to arrange for special interpreter services, or for any questions relating to jury service.

Mobility Impairment

Mobility Impaired Jurors with disabilities may request accommodation by contacting the court at the assembly room phone number on your summons.

For Additional Accommodations

Persons with disabilities who require a special accommodation may request the needed accommodation by filling out the Request for Accommodations by Persons with Disabilities and Order form. Forms are available by clicking on the link form below. You may submit and mail the form to the Juror Services Division at 320 W. Temple Street, Room 1510, Los Angeles, CA 90012.

Request for Accommodations by Persons with Disabilities and Response form


Yes. All prospective jurors are required to complete orientation each time summoned for jury service. The orientation provides necessary basic information concerning jury service including preparing for jury duty, what to expect while serving, and your role as trial juror.

To change the service court location to which you were summoned, you must provide a legally sufficient reason in writing indicating why you are unable to report to the courthouse to which you have been randomly summoned. Only a true hardship is grounds for transfer. Inconvenience to you or your employer is not. The Jury Commissioner or his or her staff considers each request on an individual basis (see the Excuses, Postponements and Transfers Section).

Yes. You must first register by telephone or online before you can request a postponement. Fill out Section A of the jury summons. Then call (213) 972-0970 or select My Jury Duty Portal to register yourself for jury duty. The telephone system or web portal will prompt you on how to postpone your jury service. You may only request a 30-90 day postponement on the web portal under the tab Reschedule. For postponements over 90 days please contact a jury representative at (213) 972-0970.

All requests for excuses must be in writing on the jury summons pursuant to California Rules of Court, Rule 2.1008(c). Requests to be excused from service can be made by marking the appropriate box in Section B on your summons, and then checking the appropriate box (C-F) that applies to your excuse, and explaining your request in Section D.

Section A, Steps 1 and 2 must be completed in its entirety, answering all questions in Section A, even when requesting an excuse. Once Section A is completed, and you complete your request for excuse on the summons, you must call (213) 972-0970, register for jury service, and request an excuse when prompted to do so. You will be prompted by the automated system to register your appropriate excuse request. The automated system will guide you through the registration process and provide you with the ability to request an excuse. You may also request an excuse online by selecting My Jury Duty Portal on the jury website.


Please note that you will need to provide your request on the summons. Failure to provide a complete explanation on your summons may cause you to be automatically qualified for jury serve.

Certain jobs (truck driver, graveyard shift, etc.) can present challenges for serving jury duty. Call the jury assembly room to which you have been summoned and we will make alternative arrangements for you to serve. However, please note that once you have been assigned to a trial court you must report as ordered by that court.