Fluid jumbotron

This is a modified jumbotron that occupies the entire horizontal space of its parent.

Intro paragraph, body copy up to 3 lines max suggested, sagittis enim ut interdum elit. Integer faucibus risus vulputate elit semper mattis. Morbi et convallis arcu, vel rutrum purus.


words link


Over 1 million business have trusted to get started


Start a Business with LegalZoom - Form an LLC

Start an LLC with LegalZoom - LegalZoom has helped start over one million businesses

Over the past 12 years, we've gotten pretty good at helping people launch their businesses. In fact, we've helped over 1 million of them.

Start a Business with LegalZoom - Form an LLC

Form an LLC with LegalZoom and receive lifetime customer support

Our customer care representatives in the United States will be there to support you throughout the lifetime of your business.

Start a Business with LegalZoom - Form an LLC

LLC documents created by top attorneys - up-to-date legal documents

Our attorneys continually maintain our documents to be up-to-date with the latest legal requirements in each state.


Easy as 1-2-3


1. Answer a few easy questions in as little as 15 minutes

2. We'll assemble your documents and file them directly with the Secretary of State

3. You'll receive your completed Limited Liability Company package by mail

What’s difference between an LLC and a Corporation?



Fewer formalities and legal requirements

For example, you don't have to hold board meetings or maintain records detailing how every company decision is made.

Ease of setup and management

Just set up and get to running your business.


Plan to raise money from outside investors

The stricter formalities give investors the knowledge they desire about how your company is run.

Plan to go public in the future

Are you shooting for the stars for a big exit?

Learn more about starting a corporation

Get started today


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Specific to your state. Our product is researched and maintained by attorneys.

Personalized Last Will

Specific to your state. Our product is researched and maintained by attorneys.


Personalized Last Will

Specific to your state.

Person Will ($35 value)

Our product is researched and maintained by attorneys.

Ask away. We have answers.


Common questions

  • What is a limited liability company?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tempus, felis at varius eleifend, neque orci porta magna, consequat aliquam ligula velit quis erat. Aenean porttitor pellentesque risus, eu tincidunt ipsum blandit in.

  • Does an LLC need to hold formal meetings?

    Sed lobortis placerat elit tincidunt tempor. Nam dignissim euismod quam nec tempor. Sed tortor lorem, ultricies a auctor nec, auctor ut neque. Aenean varius, urna eget adipiscing feugiat, nunc ligula molestie massa, id accumsan turpis metus ac ante. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

  • Is an LLC right for me?

    Pellentesque quis tortor vitae elit cursus vulputate et vel dui. Nunc commodo pretium arcu in ultricies. Nunc vel velit enim, et tincidunt leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

  • What is an EIN?

    Quisque eget tempor sapien. Cras convallis tempor orci pulvinar scelerisque. Nullam et erat eu nibh sollicitudin congue sit amet id diam. Sed in lectus ut augue euismod porta. Quisque non lacus odio. Nunc ornare adipiscing egestas.

  • How are LLCs taxed?

    Quisque eget tempor sapien. Cras convallis tempor orci pulvinar scelerisque. Nullam et erat eu nibh sollicitudin congue sit amet id diam. Sed in lectus ut augue euismod porta. Quisque non lacus odio. Nunc ornare adipiscing egestas.

  • What is a registered agent?

    Quisque eget tempor sapien. Cras convallis tempor orci pulvinar scelerisque. Nullam et erat eu nibh sollicitudin congue sit amet id diam. Sed in lectus ut augue euismod porta. Quisque non lacus odio. Nunc ornare adipiscing egestas.

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(866) 679-2103

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Weekends 7am-4pm PT

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Pricing starts at $31.25/month